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Sunday, September 20, 2009 Practical exam(Kimberly)

Q:How did your dishes taste/appear/ mouth feel

The appearance of my dish was very appealing as it had a roasted brown colour to it which made it especially mouthwatering to look at.The different contrast of colours were also fun and daring. The dish tasted good, but at the same time i felt that there were a few areas where i made some blunders. Such as, i only put in the salt when the dish was almost finished cooking, i should have put the salt in gradually instead. And i felt that the biggest fault was that i forgot to put in the red pepper flakes as it would give the dish a more spicy taste and some red colour to it. But the dish still turned out okay without the red pepper flakes, just that it was not spicy.The mouth feel was springy as the spaghetti was cooked just right and the turkey bacon and garlic was not overcooked as well.The turkey bacon was crispy and the garlic fragrant, infused with the springy spaghetti, i would say it turned out quite good.

Q: How did you feel about it

I felt that overall, everything was good and mostly, things fell into place. Usually i would be very nervous whenever it comes to the real practical exam. Even during the trial cooking, i also felt flustered and unorganized. But i was glad that during this practical exam, i managed to compose myself and surprisingly i was even calm. I could set up all my things on the cooking counter, figure out what to do first and the different processes. When i was cooking, i felt that i was quite organized and could think straight therefore i feel that i did good:)

Q: What were the modifications you made to improvise on your dish?

Initially there was some wine in my dish. But there was no alcohol allowed as it was not halal. The wine did not go well with my dish anyway.Therefore i removed it from my recipe.I also added more salt to the dish to make it more flavourful.At the same time, i added bell peppers to my dish as it gave it more colours and vibrancy.The pasta now looked and tasted good.

Q:What are the difficulties you faced while cooking

The turkey bacon seemed to take very long to brown and turn crispy.I also faced some problems with cleaning up. This was because everyone including myself just threw all the unwashed pots and pans into the sink as everyone was busy cooking and left the washing for later. But this made the sink clustered and one of the sinks even got choked because there were food particles stuck inside.Also, after cooking, washing all the utensils took a while as it accumulated from leaving it in the sink.

Q: How did you overcome these difficulties

I told myself to be patient and at the same time i turned the heat intensity up so that the turkey bacon would brown at a quicker speed.As for the utensils i tried to squeeze some time in between waiting for the oil to heat up to wash the knife and the cooking board and after cooking i tried to speed up to set the table so that i could finish washing the utensils and cleaning up that area.

Q: Strengths and weakness.

I felt that my strength was my ability to manage my time so that i had enough time for cooking, setting the table and washing up.I was also very organised therefore all my utensils and ingredients were all neatly set up to avoid confusion.My weakness would be that i tend to get edgy and panicky when things start to go wrong. I get even more confused and irritated when i do not know what to do. That's when people start to tell me to calm down and think of ways to salvage the situation. Otherwise i would be having a panic attack.

Done by: Kimberly Ang(14)

Posted by Kim&Em :: 1:48 AM :: 0 comments

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