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Sunday, September 20, 2009 Evaluation of entire coursework(kimberly)

So, this would be the last thing i would need to do and it would be the end of the whole coursework .Well, i have to say it has been fun except for all the lenghty worksheets.

What i liked about home economics was that i got to cook! Cooking is probably one of my best subjects as no studying is required. Cooking is not like math or science, it's fun and we do not have to memorise facts. Although home economics has exams as well, the exams seem to be a whole lot less tedious and nerve racking. Also i like having a home economics blog as it is so much better or should i say less tiring than doing those yellow worksheets. And having a blog is something all students can relate too, taking some burden off our shoulders.It was fun posting all of the photo's of our cooking processes and to pen down our thoughts. It was a good experience whether cooking or blogging:)

What i did not like was the abhorring lenghty, yellow worksheets. It gave me nightmares.The worksheet was full of questions, asking us to explain many things, cooking processes and modifying recipes. Although it might have been beneficial, i feel that it was seriously an overload of questions and answering. Maybe we could have done more cooking rather than doing all these worksheets. The practical lessons would have probably been more fun and hands on ,which of course i would much more prefer.We should have more cooking lessons than writing, not to complain but it is really boring:(

From this experience ,i learnt some skills, such as what food is the most ideal for myself and for everyone. I also learnt how to modify my recipe to suit other people's taste and to include several elements such as appearance, taste and the use of colours in cooking.Another thing i learnt would be organization skills.All the coursework required us to write down everything in a detailed and organized manner. This taught me that everything had to have an order, otherwise things would turn out to be a mess.The benefits would have to be, everything that i learnt. From all the wealth of information that i got.I am now more wise and i have learnt many new cooking skills which would help me in preparing tasty and appealing food. Thank you home economics:)

My strenghts would have to be my quick thinking. If i had been slow in thinking, all my coursework would have progressed at a much slower pace, probably causing me to hand up late work.Also, quick thinking helped me to think of dishes to cook when the words "lunch", "food preferences", "healthy" came up i already had a few dishes in mind and executed my plans.My weakness would have to be researching skills, it took me way too much time to find the right recipe that involved the right ingredients that i needed.It was challenging as, in the process of researching, i came across many other recipes that had potential as well and it was hard for me to make a quick decision.

Done by: kimberly ang(14)


Posted by Kim&Em :: 6:42 AM :: 0 comments

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